Tuesday, March 20, 2012

DIY Lampshade

One of the projects that I've been working on is a custom lampshade from newspaper/magazine cut outs.  I found a few old mags from my grandfather's collection - mostly Women's Day and the like.  A few of the ads were rather funny:

Obviously, smoking was very popular.  "You've come a long way, baby."

The idea is fairly simple and you'll only need a few materials.

What You'll Need:

1. Glue (I used a combination of hot glue and Mod Podge)
2. Newspaper/Magazines
3. Scissors

I attached the newspaper background with hot glue.  Given the texture of the lampshade, Mod Podge wouldn't work.  I think cut out magazine clippings and glued them down with Mod Podge:  one layer underneath and one over the top.  I also covered the newspaper with a layer of MP, which made it delightfully shiny!

The most difficult part?  Keeping all of the random edges glued down!  I'm going to go along the bottom with tape, if necessary.

And yes, that man is asking:  "Heard any good pickles, lately?"

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