Monday, July 18, 2011

Hippie Needs a Job

They say that it's a bad idea to continue your education because jobs are scarce.  I'm inclined to agree with that, as schooling has become exceptionally expensive these days.  If your career path is still quite foggy, forging on to earn that Master's degree might not be a great idea.  Especially if it's in, say, English.  Would you like to teach?  No?  THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?  I've been told by multiple people that most extended degrees are quite useless if all you're looking for is a job.  If intelligence and accreditation in the field is your goal, then have at it.

I mention all of this because I've recently found myself considering graduate school.  The job market here, like everywhere, is severely limited.  Given that I'm an Arts major, it's almost impossible to find a career that pays well while being remotely interesting.  I've never been a proponent of matching your degree to your job, but as literature is one of my loves, I have to say that I would also like to work around/with it.  So...I've been looking into Library Science.  Crazy?  Maybe.

I worked in a library over the course of a summer while I was still in school.  One thing that attracted me most to the job, aside from being around books daily, was the satisfaction of finding a great novel for a fellow book-lover.  Finding the perfect story for a child was even more delicious.  Consequently, a library job most often requires a library degree.  So, there you have it.  I've narrowed down a few schools, mainly out of curiosity than actual planning, and my old university happens to be one of the best for this field.

It's possible that I'm more attracted to the idea of returning to college than actually returning to college.  But, we shall see where the future takes me.  Sometimes it's best just to 'hold on and enjoy the ride', as they say.  Arms and feet inside the vehicle, naturally.  I'm pretty sure I was taught to not end thoughts with clichés, hence this sentence.

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